Summer Camp Enrollment
Camp Weequahic’s enrollment process begins with an Application for Enrollment and establishing an account. Once you have enrolled, you will be able to access forms and resources, photos and news, camper e-mail and manage your account all through CampMinder. The fastest way to complete your summer camp Application is on-line. It’s secure and easy.
Returning families, log in to your account and enroll for next summer.
For further information or questions, call us at 570.798.2716.

Summer Camp Acceptance Policy
Summer Camp applications are processed in the order in which they are received. Although there is no final deadline for accepting applications, we encourage early applications, as space is limited per group. Acceptance of the applicant is contingent on Camp Weequahic’s receipt and Summer Camp Director approval of the Application for Enrollment. Registration is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Application for Enrollment. Upon acceptance, you will receive a confirmation letter from the Directors. Our Handbook for Camp Families, medical forms, clothing and equipment lists will be sent in scheduled mailings to enrolled campers, and will also be available on-line.