Month: September 2016

What a Campfire Means to a Summer Camper


Camp life may thrive on variety, but the traditional evening campfire has remained constant for as long as anyone can remember. The mere mention of a campfire brings back a flood of memories for many summer campers; memories of friends gained, challenges overcome, and a time when all there was to worry about was playing games and growing stronger. Nothing captures the spirit of the summer camp experience quite like the snap-crackle-pop of the hot fire and the magical smell of freshly split logs waiting to get thrown on the flames.

A day at camp is often hectic and wild, and the evening campfire offers everybody a chance to wind down. Camp simply wouldn’t be the same without it. After all, the traditional evening campfire represents more than just a nice way to stay warm on a brisk night; gathering around the fire represents community, the circle of life, and togetherness with friends new and old.


Fire has been a life source for all of recorded history, from the first ancient person to rub two sticks together to the diligent camper wielding flint and tinder. For all that time, friends and family have gathered around the fire to tell stories, play games and enjoy good food. (or s’mores, as the case may be!)

Building a fire with only matches, kindling and elbow grease is a chance to pit your wits against nature and enjoy a connection to “the old days” — before light bulbs, or flashlights, or flashlight apps on your smartphone.

Experiencing a campfire, and perhaps even starting one yourself, is a taste of independence for campers, for whom camp is the one of many steps towards independence and self-sufficiency.


Another thing campfires represent is a time for winding down through songs, skits, and theatrical games. Charades is never as funny as just before bedtime, when your best friend is dancing and gesturing desperately to get everybody to guess the right word. Even if you’re feeling tired after a long day of activities, you can count on this to be true: laughter flows freely by firelight. Just watch out for all the camp-related inside jokes!

And of course no mention of campfires is complete without talking about traditional camp songs, especially the kinds that involve audience participation. (“Hey, Burritos!” anybody?) Legend has it that there are campers out there who know so many verses of “The green grass grows all around” that it would take a whole day just to sing it from start to finish. Even if everybody sings out of tune, the harmony comes from the camp community’s commitment to keeping the traditional melodies alive — even the completely goofy ones.

…And of course we can’t forget s’mores!

One part of the fire nobody wants to miss: s’more time! Crafting the perfect golden-brown marshmallow is an art as old as marshmallows and fires. Like any fine art, roasting a marshmallow to perfection is a tricky task that takes hard work and commitment. (Thankfully, perfection is in the eye of the beholder, and truth be told some folks prefer to let them catch fire for a crispy flavor!)

Whether you prefer a classic graham cracker and hershey’s milk chocolate s’more or have your own special recipe — I for one appreciate homemade chocolate chip cookies — roasting marshmallows on a rip-roaring campfire is something nobody forgets.

Plus, it’s just the right amount of sugar to keep you awake for the closing songs, but not so awake that you have trouble drifting into peaceful dreams after lights out!

Leadership Development at Camp Weequahic

It’s Friday night and that means it’s time for a little camp-fire chat! I want to spend a moment on our Senior experience at CW. While there are a ton of fun things to talk about, I think it’s the leadership development that’s most important. Our Senior campers are amazing and how do I know? Because we help them become so!


The Weequahic community is the perfect place for building the emotional tools so important for leaders.  This outcome does not come just from being a part of the magic of camp. At Weequahic, we create specific moments and experience for our oldest campers to develop these important skills.

Camp Families

Each Senior camper becomes the head of a camp family, a grouping of Junior, Jinter, Inter, and Senior campers. These groups come up with their own greeting, family name, and spend time together throughout their time at CW.


Our 10th and 11th graders learn how to teach and assist in program areas of their choosing while at camp. Under the direction of our program directors and specialty staff, these young leaders learn what it feels like to be a program area counselors.

Big Sister / Big Brother Program

Our CITs are matched individually with our youngest campers to spend time with throughout the summer, welcome into camp, and creating a lasting bond. Each summer, our newest CITs remember their ‘Big Sister’ or ‘Big Brother’ and cannot wait to give the same type of experience to the newest campers at CW.

Leadership Classes

Taught by experienced leaders, these moments give our oldest campers time to explore their beliefs and values, learn to actively listen and engage, and become acquainted with the questions that need to be asked in each leadership opportunity. Whether it’s leading themselves to a specific goal or an entire bunk of nine year olds in an Evening Activity, we help foster leadership learning in each of our young adults.

These are just a few of the specific leadership development opportunities Camp Weequahic develops for our young adults. And, while they are useful in guiding our young leaders forward, nothing is more important than the bonds they build between each other and with the younger campers.

The Main Point

Seeing our Junior, Jinter, and Inter campers look up to the Seniors is one of the most incredible aspects of being a part of the CW community. These young kids cannot wait to grow up and lead with joy, humility, excitement, and passion.

Our Senior campers shine and not just at Weequahic. What they learn at CW goes home with them to affect all those around them. Whether at home, in the classroom, on the fields or club room, our CW Seniors make their world better. We can’t wait to see what these great young women and men do with their lives.

Friendship Without Borders: A Day in the Life at International Camp


Life at camp centers around the core values of friendship, family, and tradition — and the international camp experience is no exception.


Whether campers come from abroad to experience American culture or come from local areas to experience the international camp lifestyle, summer camp has something to offer to everyone when it comes to experiencing a new culture. (And having a blast playing sports, singing around the campfire, and playing around on the lake of course!)

Values in common

International campers may come from countries as diverse as England, France, Spain, Italy, China, Korea and many more, but they all come to camp for the same thing: a traditional American experience that they’ll never forget.


International camp counselors place an emphasis on learning to appreciate the things that are different about the various cultures that arrive at camp, but they also place an emphasis on the things we all have in common.


We all love family. We all love to laugh. And the first time singing around the campfire is magical for everybody — no matter whether they’ve seen a campfire, marshmallows, or fireflies before.

Fun: the universal language

While English is the common ground for international campers, it’s always fun when campers are able to experience a new language, or even find someone who shares their mother tongue to joke around with. “Oh, you speak Spanish too!”


American experiences

Something that draws many international campers all the way to North America is the promise of a traditional American experience… but of course once they’re here, the cultural exchange goes both ways!


When it comes to American traditions, it’s hard to find something more quintessential and unique than summer camp. From raising the flag in the morning to singing goofy songs around the dining hall at dinner, what seems normal and routine to returning American campers is exotic and fascinating to campers from Europe and Asia!


Thanks to the amazing community of counselors and decades of tradition, no international camper returns home without a few amazing stories to tell.

Campers with culture!

Friendship knows no borders. As connected as the modern world is, it’s surprisingly easy to remain out of touch with peers from other cultures.


International camp gives young people the chance to reach out and make contact with new friends from places they might not otherwise even think about — expanding the horizons of every single camper that participates in an international camp.

Passport to fun times

Whether you make new friends overseas, have a fun time guessing each other’s accents, or just learn a word or two in Spanish of Italian, international camp makes incredible memories for everyone that comes out to partake in the camp lifestyle.


…You may not need a passport to get here, but you’re guaranteed to have an international experience!