Pleasure and Pain

What are some of the things that bring you pleasure?

My list includes things like watching my boys laugh, cooking a good meal for family and friends, watching your kiddos play at camp, chocolate chip cookies, great pizza, sitting and watching Avengers movies, making a birdie on the golf course, walking camp dog Maverick in the woods with Kate… just to name a few.

And… there are a few problems on that list for me. Right in the middle of it. Can you guess which ones?

Pleasure and Pain

Yep – the cookies (lots of sugar), the pizza (it hurts my belly) and the movies (I’ve seen them sooo many times.) But I enjoy them. A lot. So… what gives?

If I indulge in the pleasure of those three things too much or too often, the end result is actually painful. I get heavier, my body feels terrible and I fill my head with mindless entertainment.

The diabolical thing is, my body continues to want more and more of each of them. Campers, you’ve seen me after Campfire at HQ scarfing those cookies down. Sooo good! (But not pretty….)

Each of those three things, in small doses, are fine. I can take a little discomfort. When I’m at camp, I certainly move enough to ward off the ill effects.

But if I keep going up the ‘pleasure’ elevator with those three enjoyments too much, I’ll wind up crashing into the basement of pain.

The Choice

You see, the ‘bill’ – what you pay for those pleasures – always comes due. Sooner than I want to admit, my body feels pretty crummy, my attention span gets shorter and I just feel like… blah.

An old French philosopher, Michel de Montaigne, once said

I conceive that pleasures are to be avoided if greater pains be the consequence, and pains to be coveted that will terminate in greater pleasures.

Ok, in English, here’s what that means in an example or two:

The process of stretching my body correctly and consistently is painful for me. But the feeling I get afterwards? Amazing.

Reading that book rather than watching Star Lord kick someone’s butt while cracking jokes? Not as much fun. But… (and yes, I’m a total nerd), learning something that I can share with you all or my family brings so much more pleasure than a couple of mindless hours in front of Disney+.

What are the pleasures that always lead to pain in your life? What about the short-term pains that lead to long time pleasure?

The Human Trick

The trick here, my friends, is two-fold:

  • Awareness – you’ve got to be able to identify those actions and behaviors that lead to short-term and long-term pain or pleasure. Here’s a hint – it is very hard to find something that you are doing, saying or thinking that isn’t involved with seeking pleasure or avoiding pain.
  • Choice – Now that you’ve identified all the things (the pleasure you pursue that leads to good or pain and the pain you avoid that leads to pleasure or not)… you get to choose what to pursue.

Your parents can help you answer questions, set an example and give guidance. (So can your camp director and all the team at Weequahic.)

But you are the one who gets to choose. It’s a gift that is given to us humans, perhaps one of our greatest gifts.

And, if you decide not to choose, well… that’s a choice, isn’t it?

Have a great weekend.

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