What is Your Chartres?

Earlier last year, I got to spend some time visiting camp families in Paris. We’ve been fortunate to have a long line of French campers and look forward to more. With each successive trip, I’ve taken some time to explore the area around Paris more. (The European rail system really is wonderful.)

This past year, I got to spend a day at Chartres Cathedral.

Most of you have probably heard of Notre Dame in Paris. It’s an incredible piece of gothic (and more) architecture and one of the most beautiful churches in the world. But, over and over again I’ve heard or read, ‘You have to see Chartres.’

So, all by myself, I hopped a train and made the 1.5 hour trek to Chartres on cold, Sunday morning in February. I’m so happy I did.

The cathedral is stunning. The spires on the front are a marvel. It looks like something out of the most incredible graphic novel you’ve ever seen – the detail, the size and scope… even the floor is designed beautifully with a traditional labyrinth. The only two human-built places I’ve been more stunning were Old Jerusalem and St. Peters in Rome.

The service was in French which I don’t speak. And, it was a Catholic service… which I’m not. But – wow – incredible.

Aim for Chartres

So… why the travel report on some gothic cathedral you may never see? Good question.

You see, I recently stumbled on a list of principles from a serial (and successful) entrepreneur. One was simply listed as ‘Aim for Chartres.’ Thankfully, there was a link to this interesting idea.
Turns out, this phrase was uttered by a pretty exceptional architect, builder and teacher in order to inspire his students. From Christopher Alexander:

“… I find that the single thing which inhibits young professionals, new students most severely, is their acceptance of standards that are too low…. That standard (Chartres) must be our standard. If you are going to be a builder, no other standard is worthwhile.”

Building Habits

Campers, what is your Chartres? You most likely don’t know yet.

That’s ok – took me a long time, too. BUT… this is important so lean in… focusing on whatever I was really interested in at the time helped me build habits that led to making Weequahic my ‘Chartres.’

Didn’t matter if it was my school work (ok – once I figured out I wouldn’t be a doctor), my golf or my extra-curricular groups like the IMPS at UVA.

Once I got seriously into that which I chose to do, I started building important habits that created more drive, attention to detail, big picture thinking, servant leadership, business understanding and more.

None of those things were, ultimately, my ‘Chartres.’ However, all that practice prepared me to lead and run Weequahic. (All of that also led me to the biggest prize in my life, Kate, and our three young men.)

What Is Your Chartres… Right Now?

Whatever you are working on, do your best. Make it a masterpiece to the best of your ability. Work a little extra on it, ask for help, compare it to something you’ve done before.

Please don’t misunderstand – whatever it is you are doing does not need to be perfect. I know Picasso and Renoir and Jobs and Freda would all want to make changes for a long time on their works. None of them are “perfect.”

Perfect is not the point. The point is what you learn along the way while working towards that vision in your head. It’s about exploring new boundaries within yourself and the world around you. I’ll leave you with this quote from Y Combinator founder, Paul Graham:

“With ambition, you tend to get one step below what you aim for. So, unless you try to be the best, you won’t even be good.” Go do your best. Every time. All the learning will be worth it.

Have a great week!

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