Gratitude Quotes to Ponder

As we move into Thanksgiving, we celebrate one of Camp Weequahic’s values: gratitude. As a reader, I’m often highlighting what much smarter and more eloquent people say about one of my favorite subjects. Here are a few quotes that stood out recently. I hope they’ll be helpful to you as well.

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.

Eckhart Tolle

We all have so much. Start simple and close: with yourself! Your body is this incredible creation that leaps and loves and learns. You are expressive and impressive. As one writer said, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You’ve got a family that loves you. You have friends that care. And, if you feel like you don’t, give me a call. I’ll be your friend.

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.

Maya Angelou

Ms. Angelou was a marvelous storyteller. I love how she connects two personal choice actions (give and accept) with the personal choice attitudes (cheerfully and gratefully.) We don’t have to give and when we do, do so cheerfully. It’s another gift to the recipient.

We don’t have to receive the gift. In fact, many of us were pretty closed off emotionally because of the ripple effects of the pandemic. Some still are. In order to truly give and receive a gift, you’ve got to open your hands. Take a listen to Director Kate who has a great short talk about this very idea.

We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.

Neal Maxwell

You’ve got a gift. It was given to you at birth. You didn’t have to do anything for it and you have to do a lot to uncover it. But, once you do, it’ll be one of the most important experiences of your life. You see, it’s not enough just to have a gift or a blessing. It’s so much more important to share it with others.

You see, we humans were built for the campfire, for the community. Failure to find and then share your unique gift with those around you is a tragedy. You’ve got so much, even if you don’t know it yet. You will. Keep digging… gratefully.

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Marcel Proust

This is my favorite because it reminds me so much of camp… and my family. When we feel like we are at our absolute best, we are surrounded by those who love us and challenge us, who bring joy and comfort, who laugh with and lean in. If we do not express our gratitude toward them, we risk having a barren garden of joy.

Weequahic, we wish y’all are wonderful and thoughtful Thanksgiving. And, for our friends and families outside of the US, we hope you’ll celebrate along with us. We’ve so much for which to be grateful.

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